Potato salad
Potatoe salad the other way! This is super easy with this recipe, which is upgraded with extra ingredients.
For the recipe you need:
- 1kg waxy potatoes
- salt
- 100g smoked, spicy ham (in one piece, e.g. Black Forest ham)
- 1 large yellow onion
- 1 red onion
- 3 tbsp cold-pressed hemp oil (or walnut oil)
- 100ml white wine vinegar pepper
- 1 bunch spring onions
- 4 small pickled gherkins (plus about 75ml gherkin pickling liquid)
- 50–100ml vegetable stock (if needed)
- 4 hard-boiled eggs, shelled

- Wash and chop the potatoes, then cook in a saucepan with salted water over low heat for 20–30 minutes until done. Cook the ham in 150ml unsalted water for 5 minutes, then leave to cool in the liquid. Peel and finely chop the onions. Take the ham out of the liquid and cut it into small cubes. In a saucepan, heat the hemp oil and lightly fry the ham cubes over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for another 2–3 minutes. Add the ham cooking liquid and cook for 5 minutes. Add the vinegar, and season with salt and pepper.
- Drain the potatoes, rinse under cold water then skin immediately and thinly slice the flesh. In a bowl, carefully mix in the ham and onion mixture to the potatoes. Reserve any leftover cooking liquid. Wash and trim the spring onions, then cut into thin rings. Finely chop the gherkins and fold into the potato salad together with the spring onions and the gherkin liquid. Briefly leave the salad to absorb the flavours before serving, then add a little more cooking liquid or vegetable stock – the salad should not be too dry. Season with salt and pepper. Quarter the eggs and use to garnish the salad.
We wish you a lot of fun making them!