Kitchentalk with landscape architect Davit Arican
In this episode of Kitchentalk, we have a very interesting guest: Landscape architect Davit Arican, well-known from "Duel of the Garden Pros"! We will be discussing topics such as garden landscaping, plant knowledge, and, of course, the connection Davit sees between the worlds of gardening and cooking. He will also share valuable tips on planting raised beds and reveal how to grow a variety of fresh herbs, vegetables, and flowers even in limited space, even if you don't have a green thumb...
From the ground up... Landscape architecture as a greatpassion
Davit Arican began his career with a classical education in landscaping, then pursued a degree and is now a horticultural engineer. He emphasizes the importance of understanding his field holistically. This means not only planning in theory but also working practically and occasionally getting involved on-site. A theoretical plan is only successful if the practical work can be executed seamlessly. Davit relies on his experience and competence in both areas. When a project is completed and a new garden is fully realized, Davit finds absolute fulfillment in his job. And when he looks at the happy faces of his clients and receives their smiles as rewards, he knows he has done everything right!
Project planning with expertise and state-of-the-arttechnology
Davit likes to start his planning process with mood boards from his clients to get an impression of their desired direction. He also uses technical solutions that facilitate the planning process, such as using a drone for aerial shots of the gardens. With GPS systems, he measures the areas to precisely determine the size, as well as the heights and depths of the gardens. Together with Davit, we take a behind-the-scenes look at one of his most challenging projects, where delivery difficulties coincided with challenging on-site conditions. With creative and solution-oriented thinking, Davit achieved results that not only met all visual expectations but also unexpectedly brought sustainable effects in terms of reusing and upcycling. He received positive feedback and press coverage in the industry as a result. If Davit were to choose a favorite tree, he would go for the Catalpa tree. As a typical "city tree," Davit believes it is underutilized and deserves more attention. We also learn from Eva about her favorite plants, which should not only be visually appealing but also serve a practical purpose. In conclusion, even those who have not had much success with gardening so far will receive tips to further develop their "greenthumb."
Interested in a herb raised bed for your home?
Have you always wanted to know how to create a professional raised bed? Eva and Davit will create one together and provide valuable tips for creating optimal growing conditions for your herbs. Davit will also share his expertise in the world of plant knowledge. Stay tuned!
Sociability and culinary creativity define "life in thekitchen"
Besides the garden, the kitchen is the perfect place forDavit to unleash his creativity. Similar to the garden, it is exciting in the kitchen to combine different herbs and flavors, bringing them into harmony. Life in the kitchen is not only about culinary delights but also about sociability. Davit loves to gather his guests here and spend beautiful, sharedhours. He also reveals how he designs an outdoor kitchen and why he always plans a special place for barbecue masters.
The "kitchen of the future" with the garden pro
In a quick overview, Eva and Davit discuss the "kitchen planning of the future." Will Davit's kitchen reflect the greenery from his gardens? We can't wait to find out!