kitchen dreams come true
together with eva brenner our projekt "Küche im Glück" has successfully launched. We recieved an incredible number of applications and wir are delichted that our contest has been so well-recieved. But as it goes with contests, there can be only "one" (winner). We drew the lucky winner from the numerous submissions, and the winners are anja und dieter who wished for a fresh breeze in their kitchen.
Wishlist for the "Room of Rooms"
Eva visits the winners at home and takes note of their wishes and suggestions for the design. After over 20 years, Anja and Dieter desire a new color concept for the entire space. Additionally, they want the technology and functionality, as well as the equipment of the electrical appliances, to be brought up to date. Furthermore, having sufficient storage space and ample workspace in the new kitchen is crucial. Armed with thiswishlist, Eva embarks on the planning process.
Planning the dream kitchen at Nolte FORUM
Fronts, colors, countertops, various styles, and plenty of decorations – the Nolte FORUM is the perfect place for Eva to find inspiration for the new kitchen design. She explores the different kitchens, browses through magazines, and, of course, draws inspiration from the exceptional styling. After her tour and with many new impressions, Eva begins her creation.
Fully motivated, our technicians begin assembling thekitchen, fitting cabinets, and connecting the electrical appliances. Meanwhile,Eva takes care of the styling, selecting accessories, furniture, and lights forthe kitchen. When Anja and Dieter enter the finished room, their joy is clearlyvisible, and both of them are visibly moved! So, Eva, you've done everythingright, and onto the next „Küche im Glück“!
The perfectly coordinated decor concept
A kitchen becomes truly cozy with the right accessories. Incollaboration with the styling team from @fridaella.home, the dreamy decor forour winner's kitchen has been created. Discover the styling moodboard now.

Next contest: Apply now
After the new kitchen comes another new kitchen. So, apply now for our next contest "Küche im Glück." Perhaps you'll be part of it next time and have the chance to enjoy a new dream kitchen planned by Eva Brenner! You can find the participation terms and conditions hereNOW REDESIGN KITCHEN
Do you like the kitchen of our winner and can you imagine itin your home too? Then use our kitchen planner now and create kitchen dreamsfor your own four walls.