Kitchentalk with actor, singer, and entrepreneur Tom Beck
Tom Beck never originally planned to become an actor. A career as a soccer player or rock star, on the other hand, would have been more in line with his ideas. He picked up his first musical instrument at the age of 5. He started with the accordion, then the organ, piano, guitar and in his school days also drums. Some detours then lead him to the musical studies in Munich where he discovered his passion for acting. Here Tom also gained his first stage experiences. At that time still incredibly excited, he gained his first experience, for example, at a shooting where he was on stage together with Maria Furtwängler in the role of a photographer. This was followed by productions for SAT.1 and Co. Today, Tom Beck can look back on a remarkable career as an actor.
A typical saying of actors: You get paid for acting, not for sitting around. What exactly is meant by that is what Tom tells us when he takes us on a day of filming as an actor. Usually, when you arrive on set, you have breakfast, then you get into costume and makeup, rehearse, change your clothes, and then it's back to waiting. But when Tom gives us an insight into the TV series "Alarm for Cobra 11", we learn that his acting career can be anything but relaxed. Who knows the series, knows that there were action moments en masse in which Tom did not miss to shoot the one or other daring scene himself. Even if acting has slipped into the background a bit, you can be very curious about the future TV and film projects.
The sources of inspiration: Tom Beck finds inspiration in his own life and in the people and situations he observes. He shares insights about how lyrics and music are created. Sometimes it can take months for a song to be completely finished. A special chapter in Tom's career was his participation in the show "The Masked Singer", which presented him with new challenges. Also find out who still owes Tom Beck a duet.
In Tom's home, the kitchen is an integral part of the living area - a true eat-in kitchen. For Tom and his family, the kitchen takes a central role in the living concept. It's a busy space where they gather as a family and with friends, spend time together, laugh together and get creative while cooking. Although Tom Beck doesn't have a lot of time to cook, he places a high value on creativity and intuitive cooking. He just cooks by feel and sees what comes out. For this kind of cooking, a well-organized kitchen is essential. But what exactly does Tom like about this kitchen? And what does he think is an "invention" that would have made for less back pain 30 years ago? Take a look for yourself!
Tom Becks dream kitchen in fast forward
Spontaneous and precise, Tom Beck shares his vision of a perfect kitchen. If he had the chance to redesign it today, he would weigh between different options, such as high-gloss or matte surfaces, the style between country and modern, and between a colorful or simple design. And what would you choose?