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Community Winner Kitchen May

In the story format "Community Kitchen of the Month", we let our community on Instagram vote on who presents the most beautiful kitchen. The winner for the month of May is 33-year-old Tugba with her Instagram account @interiorstylevem. Tugba is married and the mother of two children. Although she works as a health economist, her heart beats for interior design. On Instagram, Tugba shares her "Live beautiful" philosophy and shows her timeless, minimalist home with Nordic accents. Her kitchen is the heart of the house where the family spends most of their time. Tugba is proud to be able to share her passion.

Please introduce yourself briefly and tell us something about you

My name is Tugba Akarslan (@interiorstylevem), I am 33 years old, married and mother of 2 wonderful children. I am a graduated health economist, but my heart definitely beats for interior design, which is why I regret not studying architecture today.

You are active on Instagram yourself, what makes you and your account special and what do you show us there?

I really wanted to share my "Live beautiful" concept with other people to inspire them a bit. Here I show our entire interior design and now also quite a bit on the topic of garden and terrace design.

Do you live in an apartment or do you have your own house?

We have been living in our dream house for 4 years.

How would you describe your interior style?

I would describe my style as timeless, minimal and neutral, with a touch of Nordic accents.

Does your character reflect your interior design?

My style actually does not reflect my character, because I would describe myself as colourful, lively and multifaceted.

What inspired you to choose this interior style?

The neutral style is very harmonious, even relaxing and helps me to find my balance. Although I try to keep an eye on the latest trends, I mostly opt for timeless products, so I still like them years later.

Your style is also reflected in the other rooms of your home. What challenges did you overcome in integrating the kitchen design into the overall concept of your house?

Fortunately, I was able to easily integrate the kitchen design into the overall concept. The sideboard in our living room, for example, has been with us since we got married, almost 10 years ago. I still love it today, it's simply timeless, minimalist… This look is what I decided on for the kitchen design as well as many other cabinets in our home. In a household with children, such types of cabinet fronts are very suitable. They are very quick and easy to clean, and scratches do not show at all.

How did you choose colours and materials to create a harmonious connection between the kitchen and the other living areas?

When selecting materials and colours, I made sure that they are reflected throughout the house. This continuity ultimately creates harmony.

How did you decide on a Nolte kitchen in this style?

I wanted to design my kitchen very minimally, and for me, Nolte was the only choice for this style.

What does living in the kitchen mean to you?

We spend most of our time in the kitchen as a family. It is also our "heart of the house." The children have their drawing and crafting corner here, so I can cook in peace and watch them with their creative work. We eat here, enjoy a coffee here, practically our whole life takes place in the kitchen and of course in the playroom. :)

Did you plan your kitchen yourself or have it planned?

We planned it together with the kitchen studio.

What did you enjoy most about planning or choosing the kitchen?

It is nice to see how your vision of the dream kitchen finally looks as a planned object.

Your kitchen is handleless, why and what do you particularly like about it?

I simply love this clean and minimalist look. Although I find handles very practical, especially in a household with children. Without handles, they grab directly onto the whole cabinet or drawer door, so stains are of course inevitable. But when I look at the overall picture of a kitchen with handles, it looks very restless to me.

Does lighting play a big role for you in the kitchen?

Lighting in the kitchen does not play a big role for me. We opted for a pendant light and I occasionally place a few wireless table lamps here and there to give it a cosy look.

A light worktop and light fronts, why did you choose a completely light and simpler kitchen?

I simply believe that you can never get tired of light colours. A good kitchen is usually planned for 10-15 years, and it was important to me that I still like my kitchen after such a long time and feel comfortable in it.

What is the most important function in your kitchen for you?

Cooking of course, and it is a place that connects us all.

What were three must-haves that absolutely had to be in your kitchen?
  • Handleless high-gloss fronts
  • Marble look
  • Glass backsplash
Your kitchen looks very tidy and organised, do you have tips for interior organisation to make the best use of the available space?

It is important to have a lot of cabinets or drawers in the kitchen, as only then can everything find storage space and look very tidy and organised.

Should your kitchen be more practical in everyday life, or was the design the priority?

In my opinion, both factors are very important.

Is the interior design as important as the external appearance?

The interior design enables storage space and thus also affects the external appearance of the kitchen, hence an inseparable duo.

What are the three most important tips for you on the subject of housekeeping?

  • A minimalist interior design makes housekeeping easier.
  • A daily routine prevents to-dos from being left undone or accumulating.
  • Investing in innovative household appliances saves time and physical strain.
You describe yourself on Instagram as interior inspiration, what inspires you and where do you get your ideas from?

I have always been very interested in interior design. When I take my evening walks, I look into other people's apartments or houses to see how they are furnished. :) I also like to get inspiration from interior sites on social media, but usually, when browsing furniture sites, I see individual pieces of furniture and can imagine in my head how they harmonise together. Engaging with this topic brings me a lot of joy and I like to share that with my community.

What is your favourite place in your home and why?

It's the sofa in the living room, I sit there only when the children are asleep and then it's time for me to relax and unwind.

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