Kitchen ideas

Kitchen with its finger on the pulse of time

Anyone wishing to follow the trend towards a tidy, clean-looking kitchen with generous, large surfaces has no other option: tall units and appliance cabinets with full-length doors. The minimalistic overall impression is further reinforced by the illuminated MatrixArt finger pull profiles.

Reasons to love this planning example:

Nova Lack cabinet

Vertical, illuminated and uniform

Illuminated MatrixArt handle recesses make the very most of the clean look of the tall units and appliance cabinets with full-length doors.

Kitchen counter

Contrasting counter

Outstanding: the integrated counter is in a contrasting colour to the worktop.


A hiding place for household appliances

Coffee machines and other appliances disappear behind it as if by magic. You can literally use every corner with the pivoting flap door unit and built-in tray.

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